Venkat Aekka
4 min readMay 2, 2019

Visit to Sao Paulo, Brazil

The visit to Sao Paulo Brazil has been a life changing experience for me. I was lucky to use my time on weekends and after work to explore life and culture of Brazil. There are many intriguing facts about Brazil

  • My good friends Mario and Viviane are from São Paulo and took care of my visit (below)
  • Sao Paulo beautiful weather is always between 57 and 70 Deg F all year long
  • Brazilians are generally happy and active people. 62% of Brazil’s population is below 29 yrs old. The Sao Paulo population is @12 mil and accounts of 30% of Brazil’s GDP of $2 Triliion.
  • Japanese Brazilian community is a big community in Brazil. @2 million Japanese live in Brazil and biggest immigrant community outside Japan
  • Japan in early 20th century went thru a big economic hardship and Brazil allowed Japanese immigrants after they ended slavery in 1890. Initially few hundreds came on ships to make a quick buck and leave back to Japan. Well the dream remained unrealised as coffee landlords paid low salaries and exploited immigrant Japanese laborers. The Japanese went thru many many hardships in the new country and tried every bit to protect their rich culture and language. The first and second generations struggled silently and never assimilated into Brazilian multi-racial culture.
  • The Brazil is as big as US in size (@8.3 mil sqkms) with @200 million population. Rest of South America land is equivalent to Brazil in size. Brazil economy saw huge growth between 2002 to 2012 and took nose dive into recession. The recovery has been very slow with many labor party leaders facing corruption charges and sentenced to imprisonment.
  • Caipirinha is local Brazilian drink (made of cachaça (sugarcane hard liquor), sugar and lime. Bohemia is the local beer which tastes similar to Corona. Famous Brazilian dish Feijoada is a stew of beans with beef and pork. This is Brazilian speciality and any first time conversation with a Brazilian will touch topics of Caipirinha & Feijoada. Cassava, another plant root is biggest calorie provider after rice and maize to @800 million population in Africa and South America. Another important fruit from Amazon region is Acai Berries. Acai berries (smaller than blue or black berries) are purple skin 1-inch round fruits that grow on acai palm trees in the rainforests of Central and South America. They have a dark purple skin and yellow flesh surrounding a large see. They are highly rich in anti-oxidants, can lower cholestrol & improves brain function. Açaí Berries ice cream below

Kobra : world famous street / mural artist Kobra is from São Paulo. He gained popularity when transformed ordinary buildings into mural art canvasses. His works are now popular all over the world. Visited his famous mural on Oscar Niemeyer — famous Brazilian architect in São Paulo. Zoom into his eye brows and u will appreciate Kobra creativity

Tarsil a— famous modernist artist from São Paulo was born in 1886 in a wealthy coffee growers family. Having owned many slaves, her works captured every emotion of Slavery. Her works “A Negra” and “Second class passengers” made her the “Brazilian painter who best achieved Brazilian aspirations for nationalistic expression in a modern style.”. Her paintings were at display at MASP — Museum of Art of São Paulo this week.

Venkat Aekka

IT Manager at Ford Motor Company and Former President of Detroit Telugu Association. He enjoys writing blogs, short stories and dabbles in music